Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ramadhan is coming back!

Assalammualaikum <3
InsyaAllah kalau mak Bulan selamat melahirkan anak Bulan, maka keluarlah pengumuman yg esok puasa! Yeaayy! Hiks. Dulu dulu kan masa kecik cinonet dulu suka sangat dok depan tv tunggu pengumuman puasa. Excited sangat nak puasa. Sebab bila dapat puasa penuh sehari, dapat duit raya 2 hengget. Bayangkan kalau sebulan 30 hari, dah 60 ringgit kan? Punyalah tak ikhlas dulu aku berpuasa. Haha

Tapi sekarang dah besar panjang, jangan haraplah parents nak trick kita mcm tu. Kita sendiri dah muhasabah diri, dah besar, dah tanggung dosa sendiri kita kena buatlah benda benda wajib mcm ni kan. Kau tak puasa, kau lah tanggung dosa. Bukan mak ayah lagi. 

Maka, saya di sini ingin mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan and berpuasa buat semua umat Islam tak kisah lah kat celah mana pun. Islam tetap Islam kan. Ingat! Grab this golden opportunity. Setahun sekali je. So manfaatkan lah sebaik baiknya ok ? xD Pesan untuk diri sendiri jugak ni. Kadang2 tu terlalu leka dengan bulan Syawal. Hiks, perempuan biasa lah uolls.

Dari Abu Hurairah r.a., bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: 
"Apabila datang bulan Ramadhan, terbukalah pintu-pintu syurga"

*Malam ni dah mula terawih
*Malamni jangan lupa niat puasa tau :) 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Short review

Alhamdulillah tq Ya Allah :') Our choral speaking team won the third place! For our public speaking team : the first speaker won the third place. The second speaker won the first place and the third speaker won the third place. Not bad right? Me as the second speaker of public speaking very very grateful  Thankyouu to all of our teachers, our tutor, the prof, our parents and all of the member of OUM's student!

One of the pixca. Let the picture do the talking. 
Ihiks, nanti2 lah sambung cite panjang.

Saturday, May 25, 2013



Tak semua yg bahagia tu selamanya membahagiakan dan tak semua yg sakit tu selamanya menyakitkan.

Ah, by the way life must be go on. 
No matter what happens around us. 
I dont care.
 The most important is me. 
Only me. 
Good for me, good for you. 

7 months and 3 days
A long period. Yeah, long to me
Full of moments
Great moments
 Full of joys and tears
Only two
You and me
Just two
 No others

Knowing you was the great things in my life
The best things
The amazing things that happened in my life
You make me happy
*teringat lagu You are my sunshine
Dear my only sunshine
you make me happy
when skies are grey
you never know dear
how much i love you
pls dont take my sunshine away.
Hmm, between me and you
I felt the feeling
where I never felt before
its hard to me
hard to make decision
hard to choose between two
the only word that i can said
even me myself also didnt understand about my feeling
its hard. i dont know what to do
its hard. i feel like i just want to kill myself
its hard. its hard to remove all of the beautiful memories that we had create
Ugh, why must me?
 why must you?
why must us?

Maybe this is the best way to us
to our future
thera're nothing that i can do
nothing that i can say 
im sorry for all my mistakes
for what i hve done to you
im give up
really give up
really really give up
im tired
enough to say
 Lastly, thank you for everything
thank you for being a part of my life
i really really appreciate it
i promise, i will remember all of our sweet moments
all of that
sorry again
thank you again

Kadang-kadang Allah turunkan hujan pada waktu kita bersuka ria
Kita sedih
Oh rupanya Allah hadirkan pelangi yg indah untuk kita
Bersyukurlah Allah uji kita

Ini ros
Mekar dan menyinar. Berseri.

Ini Ros. Ros yg sama.
Kelam gelap hambar muram
hujan menitik

:: only one thing that not change and never change
we are still friend
good friend
you are my friend
we still can share our problem

aku ingat lagi ni,
Susah senang sama-sama

kau ingat tak?
